TOO much to Learn--TOO little Time

My First Flash MX Illustration

Lately I have been trying to figure out stuff on the web. My concentration is not that great so I keep going from one thing to another. First html and then flash and I am a toddler (if that) in both of them. I checked out some books at the library to try to learn some stuff during the hot summer months. I am reading Macromedia Flash MX Production Techniques by MD Dundon. I am also reading HTML and XHTML THE Definitive Guide by Chuck Musciano & Bill Kennedy. I am in no way a technical guru. So if I can make sense of it--you can. Ok. I can't make sense of it. But I am trying. You can probably find these books in your local library too. The flash book comes with a CD full of flash files to practice with. Enjoy.
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