I was born to be with one person
And hang my life on dinners
And apron strings.
But I've grown to think and run
and rummage through broken things.
Had I known then
What I know now
I wouldn't change what--
But I'd know how
I want to sing for recompense
But I wasn't born with a voice
To make a dif fer ence
And my mirror on the wall
I'm far from the best
Of them all
So don't do me a favor
Just to convince me
you like my flavor
I've Acquired this taste
And open minds are a waste
It feels good to be alone now. But I know feelings run out. Everything is so rigid and no one understands me. The other kind of music is too loud. And when mine fades out, theirs fades in. I hate it. I want to give it all away, because I can't keep it and be happy. I loved you but only because I wanted to watch the stars with you. And now the clouds swallow up our wishes. Music is the breath of life. And your spice is drowning mine out. All I can taste are the sides of my tongue. But I eat because I'm hungry. But not as hungry as the rest of the world who never got a chance to complain.
You have to step outside of what you've been pushed into and declare your circle as your own. Stop laughing at other people's jokes when you don't get it. You owe it to yourself.
I want to sit on verandas and talk to the friend of my lover's mother. Because I just found out I won't live forever and all my plans have changed. I bought you ginger snaps because I wanted you to be where I was when it smelled like heaven. But you're just sick and look at my gift with indifference. I don't care anymore and have new objects of my affection that only exist when I want them to.
Can I sit in the back of the bus and forget the ride? Give everything away until it's almost gone. And then savour the last bite for an eternity.
Let's climax and forget it ever happened until it happens again.
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