Sunday, July 31, 2005

Animation Try #2: Glass Falls Over

I didn't do this by an example in the book. Tried to do it from my own imagination. It was really hard to copy the butterfly concepts here. It seemed like there was always some unforeseen glitch. It doesn't seem that easy to replicate from one document to another. I know there are flaws with this. The main challenge is working with backgrounds....getting something to stay static instead of go away when you add something new. Click on the image to see the animation.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Flash Animation Try

Click on the Image to view the animation.
(You may want to sit down first)

Friday, July 22, 2005

TOO much to Learn--TOO little Time

My First Flash MX Illustration Posted by Picasa
Lately I have been trying to figure out stuff on the web. My concentration is not that great so I keep going from one thing to another. First html and then flash and I am a toddler (if that) in both of them. I checked out some books at the library to try to learn some stuff during the hot summer months. I am reading Macromedia Flash MX Production Techniques by MD Dundon. I am also reading HTML and XHTML THE Definitive Guide by Chuck Musciano & Bill Kennedy. I am in no way a technical guru. So if I can make sense of it--you can. Ok. I can't make sense of it. But I am trying. You can probably find these books in your local library too. The flash book comes with a CD full of flash files to practice with. Enjoy.