Task Oriented Robot

I think I have a job now--working from home for a flat salary, writing. I am supposed to start next Friday. It really seems too good to be true, so I will believe it when I get my first paycheck. I had an interview today at CBA, a Christian Trade Association. The interview process is very extensive. First I had a phone interview, then I had the interview today and there are two more interviews before they hire. I had to take a computer test, aptitude test and some kind of personality test. This is an administrative position for the marketing and communications department. For some reason I feel a degree of anxiety when thinking about the job in comparison to working from home writing. So I hope the writing/publicist position works out. I have an interview tomorrow for a music director position--the position would be traveling around to different pre-schools to teach music classes. I am still going through the interview processes because I have been looking for so long and I don't need to just drop the opportunities. I really have a dream of doing something that I love to do. I passionately want to spend my days connecting with people, in person or in writing. I really don't want to spend my days as a task oriented robot. But I understand that I am an adult so have to do whatever it takes to keep myself afloat financially. It is just that there are hopes beyond surviving. I also start a new music position that pays more than my current one--next week. This will involve me vocally leading the music and playing at the same time for a group of about 200. So the job may be a little more stressful. But musically, I am looking for something to stretch me. They have a grand piano AND organ--so that will be a fun change. I really appreciate the comments on here. It helps so much just to get some feedback about life.
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