Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Things I miss

It is so weird how the things we miss and the things we suffer ride the fence together. I miss very specific moments in time. And I usually hate the general chunk of time in which those very specific things happened. Sometimes it is hard to dig to the depths and pick out those small dreams that we wish we could recreate. There is also usually regret involved in identifying those flashes of joy. Because had we known that we were going to survive that chunk of hard times--we might have let ourselves experience "the moment" as more emotionally attached.

My Moments:

Going to breakfast with my mother after having emerged from an emotionally tragic time in my life.

Traveling cross country with my boyfriend during a time in which my family doubted every move I made.

Rolling my friend around NY City in a wheelchair while being distracted by an emotional addiction back home.

Spending quality time with ALL of my family in the mountains this summer while worrying about having quit my job and feeling extremely lonely and disconnected from reality.

How do I fix this? How do I settle down to now, the moment--while letting the surrounding circumstances live on their own?